This week has been a rough week. Bike trainer workouts on Tuesday and Thursday were tough and followed by some core workouts from hell. Thanks CL and Elaine.
The most interesting workout was the swim on Wed. Warm up was 200 yd pull and 200 yd kick. The main set was 10 - 200s alternating hard and easy. Then 4- 25s hard and 200 back for cool down. I could not understand why we had to go hard and easy. Well I was tracking my time and on the hard sets I was swimming 1:30 per 100 and on the easy sets I was swimming 1:45 per 100. I had to get out of the pool and think about it but then I realized that at a 1:45 pace I would complete the Ironman swim in 1hr 12min. which would be great. I talked to the CL about this and she said "Duhhhhhhhh!" She wants me to swim easy so I come out of the water feeling good in AZ. It may work. She is sooooo smart.
Today I ran the stretching class. It was fun but leading the class is hard. I don't know how the CL does it all the time.
My biggest problem is that my left knee has been bothering me. It is swollen so I am icing it all the time. I got a sprint race coming up on Sunday. I hope it stays stable. The icing and the electroshock therapy is working. We will see. I looking forward to having a good race on Sunday. I will report on Sunday night.
Got small warm up brick tomorrow am then off to the race.
Train Hard, Train Smart